Wearing a mask at CPS is now optional unless you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or another respiratory illness​​​​​.
CPS will be closed on February 17th for Family Day.
Cardiac 'Heart' Testing
Medical Centre 1:
Suite 206, 430 The Boardwalk
Waterloo, ON, N2T 0C1

Pulmonary 'Lung' Testing
Medical Centre 2:
Suite 303, 435 The Boardwalk
Waterloo, ON, N2T 0C2
Tel: 519-741-5252 Fax: 519-741-5772 Email: cps.admin@kwcps.com
Welcome to the employees' section of our website!
Here you'll find important updates and lab announcements, information about events or contests, helpful reminders, and a handful of resources. The hope is that this page keeps us all more connected and up to date!
Cerebrum Help
Cerebrum Access ....................................................................................................
How to Assign HRMs and HL7s ..............................................................................
Below are links to YouTube video playlists created by Cerebrum that we think might be helpful.

For Physicians .....................................................................................................................

For Admin Staff ..................................................................................................................

For Clinical and Nursing ....................................................................................................